Do you have Enough Resources Available to implement your Roadmap?
Resources are critical to the implementation success of your roadmap. Adding up all resource requirements from cross functional initiatives often lead to bottlenecks due to resource constrains. Therefore, organizations need to find ways in finding resources to be able to deliver roadmap and strategic objectives. Such resources may include financial resources, human skills, production resources, or technology
Available internal resources need to be reviewed in depth and prioritized to focus on the cross functional capabilities and initiatives that will help to achieve your roadmap. Also making sure that they are fully utilized and reach the right productivity. Non-differentiating capabilities can be outsourced so you can focus your internal resources where it matters. If certain resources are still lacking, these need to be sourced in the best way
With this the effectiveness, flexibility and future-proofing of your organization will be increased
Would you like to know what your organization is capable of doing? We are happy to carry out an Improvement Scan providing you essential insights

What we do?
Pi.D supports you in mobilizing resources internally and externally in the best way. By evaluating whether the right resources are available and fully utilized. We support the development and deployment of your resources internally. Determine where it makes sense to outsource activities . If needed we support with recruitment, interim management and (out)sourcing activities
Leading to optimized resource availability, utilization and flexibility. Enabbling you to build core capabilities at optimal total costs and achieve your roadmap. Focused on today’s demand but also on developing new capabilities to be successful in the future
Product 3A
Organization Optimization
In order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, we initially perform an organizational analysis. This determines the available and utilization of resources
Based on this, we define a multi-year planning per resource type. We also advise the best solutions with regard to internal, temporary and external resources
By optimizing your organization, you will make full use of the internal available resources. We can fill in any gaps in your organization through our recruitment, interim and (out)sourcing services
Product 3B
Recruitment & Interim
Depending on the business phase and roadmap your organiztion need specific (temporary) skills
We provide support in recruiting these skills. We can manage all or part of the recruitment process for you
Guarantee the best permament and interim candidates in a short time. Increase the hiring success rate through tailor-made onboarding and mentoring programs
We accompany every assignment, guaranteeing quality, consistency and value. If desired, we provide contract management to lower your administrative tasks and hiring risks
Product 3C
Activities can be carried out internally if these demonstrably lead to advantages over external service providers. Otherwise, it may be better to (out)source activities
We help you to make outsourcing decisions. Define the quality and acceptance criteria
Select and contract the best service providers. Moreover, ensure contract conformity and results during the contract
Do you want to know more?
Are you curious where you stand with improvement management within your organization? How much improvement potential is there? Please contact us, we are happy to perform a Quick Scan or come by for an introductory meeting